Blog Posts

Britain’s ageing population — what might it mean for your retirement planning?

Last month, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) produced a detailed report on the ageing population in the UK. It won’t come as a surprise that we’re all living longer, but the extent of the shift is striking. According to the report, 24% of Britons will be over 65 by 2042 — up from 18% from the last reported figures in 2016. And the implications of Britain’s ageing population could have some considerable consequences when it comes to our working life and finances.

The EU Action Plan: Your 3 Minute Recap

Chances are you’re pretty familiar with the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan. Over the past few years, its impact across the European financial sector has been substantial. The 10-point plan aims to mobilise private finance to support sustainable economic growth in Europe while managing risks stemming from environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. It’s part of the implementation of both the wider Paris Agreement on climate change and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

I’ve changed jobs — what happens to my pension?

So you’ve changed jobs. Whether it’s time for celebration or commiseration, there are a few loose ends you’ll have to tie up on your way out — and your pension is likely to be one of them. With job-hopping becoming much more common than several decades ago, chances are you’ll have had more than one employer over your lifetime and paid into one or more workplace pensions. But what exactly happens to your old pensions when you do move on?

5 Top Tips For Better Managing Your Food and Beverage Supply Chain

Perhaps more so than any other industry, the food and beverage business is particularly problematic when it comes to its supply chain management. Due to the time-sensitive and perishable nature of the goods being transported, the ever-changing strict F&B regulations, and processes such as picking and packing involved, food and beverage supply chain operations can be some of the most difficult to navigate.

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